Sunday, January 19, 2014

What Role Do We All Play In Keeping Allergic Children Safe and Included?

What should or shouldn't be
I just read a great blog post called Back To School and Anaphylaxis from Corrie at Retromummy.  She brings up an important point: we ALL have a role to play in preventing allergic triggers.  She includes good tips for packing safe school snacks and lunches and how to go about ensuring safe playdates.  Her expressed support feels like a thousand hugs.  I have enjoyed reading the many comments in response to the post.  Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the role we all have as parents in providing a safe and inclusive environment for our children, in this case, food allergies.  One posted comment highlights that food allergies are not a lifestyle choice, they are a "life choice".  And yes, as a parent, this can come across as overly intense; but in my experience monitoring my own food allergies along with my childrens' requires a high level of vigilance, precaution and energy.  Many people do not realize how serious allergies can be and what goes into keeping an allergic child safe.  At the same time, many people do offer support.  What has your experience been?

What do "safe" and "included" mean to you? What kind of dialogue is needed between parents and teachers at school and between parents for playdates? This article from a local Houston magazine examines how to have successful playdates with personal stories from allergic families.  

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